Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Review
Academy of Management Executive
Academy of Management Perspectives
Academy of Management Learning and Education
Administrative Science Quarterly
Personnel Psychology -
Organization Science
Organization Studies *
Organizational Research Methods *
Organizational Dynamics
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes -
Journal of Management *
Journal of Management Inquiry *
Journal of Managerial Issues *
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Journal of Vocational Behavior -
Journal of Applied Psychology *
Journal of International Business Studies ?
Journal of Business and Psychology
Journal of Managerial Psychology *
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Planning ?
Human Resource Management Review
Human Resource Management Journal *
Leadership Quarterly
International Journal of Human Resource Management *
International Studies of Management and Organization *
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources *
Journal of Asian Business *
Asia Pacific Management Review
Asian Business & Management *
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology ?
Management and Organization Review ?
Case Research Journal ?
Applied Psychology: An International Review
Journal of Organizational Change Management *
International Journal of Selection and Assessment ?
International Journal of Manpower *
Annual Review of Psychology
Annual Review of Sociology
Strategic Management Journal
Industrial Relations
Industrial and Labor Relations Review
Human Relations